Saturday, May 29, 2010

PPA Cover Contest...

Every year Professional Photographer Magazine (my FAVORITE magazine!) has a cover contest.  Thousands of entries from all over are submitted.  I always have these great ambitions of entering the competition, but never seem to get around to it.  Often it is due to lack of faith in myself.  I'm not an insecure person usually, but like most photographers, I am very critical of my own work, and I am well aware of the fact that there are hundreds and thousands of fantastic photographers out there, all submitting their work to contests like this one.  Well, this year I am taking the plunge.  A couple of weeks ago, Wes and I hung out with some new friends who adopted a baby girl from Ethiopia about a year ago.  Her name is Natalie, and she is absolutely precious.  Being a photographer combined with the fact that I am overly excited about our upcoming adoption from Ethiopia, I had my camera in tow, and caught just a few fabulous pictures of Natalie and her friend Jordan (also adopted from Ethiopia).  You can see more of their pictures here.   So, at the very least, I have made an effort this year.  I have submitted a picture of Natalie and her beautiful smile.  Of course, I may be a little biased, given the fact that we are going to be bringing home our own precious son or daughter (or both!) soon from Ethiopia.  It may or may not be a contest winner (let's hope so, though!), but it's beautiful none-the-less. (Vote for my entry in the 2010 Professional Photographer Magazine Cover Contest)